There could be tougher controls on the sale of wood burning stoves as they are discussed by the mayor's office.

London Mayor, Sadiq Khan is investigating a ban on the burning of wood in the most polluted areas of the capital. The mayor has written to the Environment Secretary Michael Gove asking for greater powers to tackle air pollution not caused by traffic. Mr Khan wants to introduce a network of "zero-emission zones" where the burning of wood or coal is completely prohibited. He also wants tougher controls on the sale of wood-burning stoves. Under the mayor's proposals only low-emission versions of wood-burning stoves would be allowed to remain on the market. So what does this mean in relation to the flue supplies we buy? Smokeless fuels will be used increasingly due to the restriction on burning wood and coal. The more recently design stoves which are DEFRA approved will be the way forward. The flue diameter size will also need to be considered due to HETAS regulations. If it's a smokeless zone a minimum flue size of 6 inch rather than just a commonly bought 5 inch will be required to conform to regulations. A better quality grade of stainless steel 904 liners rather than 316 grade will be in demand and last longer for customers having to burn the smokeless fuel which can get hotter and leave residue behind in the liner itself. Read More